Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Broken Blood Vessels In The Mouth

first Participation in the competition on animal beads


on there is a competition for the animal beads Topic: Inverted World.
I'm there for the first time in a competition and have now sent to my post.

Please keep your fingers crossed for a good place.

the story I may post here until after the competition.
since so excited.



Saturday, September 11, 2010

Plug Faucet Holes In Clawfoot Tub

A pair Animals for the ABC project

Hello together,

finally I have once again managed to make bead animals.

I started with the ABC project and this time there is an animal for G and one for M.

May I introduce a gloss parakeet :

he is from The new book by Ingrid Moras beads: My favorite pets from beads.

The parakeet is from seed beads in the colors green, blue, red, yellow, topaz, turquoise beaded. Since I am not as described in the book with Miyuki seed beads work, as they are very expensive, I took my normal seed beads and I think he has become quite beautiful.

Second Tier I made a Manticore .

This is from the book by Torsten Becker: Fantasy Beads animals

The manticore is a mythical creature and I've been meaning to make an animal with hair again, the choice has fallen on him.

He is bubbled just like the shine from Parakeet Seed 2.6 mm. His colors are maize yellow, brown, white, black.

Viskosekordeln As I have for the colors yellow and held a kind of brown.
zui To get a nice smooth mane, I make the cords get wet before use, then they are better intigrieren in the rows of pearls and not constantly Fluder between the wire back and forth. If the animal is finally ready, the mane with scissors and an eyelash comb is styled to right. And you have a wonderful Manticore.